On 16th of June, a person with a suspicion on the coronavirus disease was again detected among ChNPP staff. This employee had a contact with a confirmed COVID-19 suspect. The person was sent to self-isolation.
The person is under the supervision of a doctor. Four contact persons were detected. These are workers of two ChNPP departments. They were recommended to be under medical supervision. The workplaces were subject to disinfection.
Since 18th of June at the ChNPP “Action plan for prevention of the COVID-19 spread at SSE ChNPP during the adaptive quarantine” has been put into effect again. It is a supplement to the SSE ChNPP Order No. 676 dated 29.05.2020 “On introduction of the adaptive quarantine and ceasing of outage at the enterprise.”
Due to the COVID-19 complicated epidemiological situation in Ukraine and with the purpose to combat the COVID-19 outbreak at the ChNPP, may we remind you of the necessity of the strict implementation of the safety rules in accordance with the “Action plan for prevention of the COVID-19 spread at SSE ChNPP during the adaptive quarantine.”