The “hot” tests at ISF-2 site were completed on 17 December 2020.
During the “hot” testing, ChNPP personnel performed all activities specified by the ISF-2 Commissioning Programme, namely:
• transportation of 22 transfer baskets with spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from ISF-1 to ISF-2;
• receiving of 186 spent fuel assemblies (SFAs) at ISF-2;
• cutting of 186 SFAs into fuel bundles, and placement of 372 fuel tubes with these fuel bundles into two double-walled canisters (DWCs);
• placement of two DWCs, filled with SNF, into the concrete storage modules for long-term storage over the course of 100 years;
• management of the “hot” cell’s solid radioactive waste;
• assessment of the biological shielding structures performance.
All main and auxiliary process schemes were involved into the “hot” testing at the ISF-2. The test deliverables are under preparation now.