On 15th April, 4 special canisters were discharged within the frame of the above-stated activities. They are placed according to the technological process for transportation to a “wet type” Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel (ISF-1).
An individual permission of Series No.000040/9 for performing these activities was issued by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine on April 14, 2016, based on the results of reviewing the SSE Chernobyl NPP’s statement and a set of substantiating documents, as well as taking into account the positive results of the applicant’s inspection carried out during 06.04.2016-08.04.2016.
Upon completion of these works and operations, the next step will be a decision of the operating organization (i.e. SSE Chernobyl NPP) about loss by these Power Units of a nuclear facility status and their recognition as facilities meant for radioactive waste management, which will be followed by activation of the Chernobyl NPP decommissioning activities.