Establishment and development of ChNPP Units Decommissioning Visualization Center (CDVC)

The project was financed from the budget of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Kingdom of Norway.

Project objective:
Introduction of modern 3D modeling and visualization technologies to improve work efficiency and safety during all stages of ChNPP decommissioning by establishing and developing Visualization Center creating and developing for the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning.

Within the project framework it was implemented:
1. Approval of the Project Agreement final version.
2. Preparation of a package of documents for the Project State Registration.
3. Development of ChNPP CDVC specialized software by IFE.
4. Procurement of hardware and software for the CDVC creation.
5. Installing the CDVC software ("ProCre ChNPP", "Planner ChNPP", "Trainer ChNPP") and Chornobyl NPP personnel training.
6. Preparation for 3D modeling for ChNPP test scenario.
7. 3D modeling for the test scenario, scenario development for the CDVC acceptance tests.
8. Acceptance tests of the CDVC at the site and the project closure.
9. The CDVC was commissioned into trial operation.

From 2018 to 2020 the Project 761 ChNPP Decommissioning Visualization Centre — ChNPP Planner Extension and Optimization was implemented

Project budget was 4,180,150.00 Norwegian krones.

Project purpose was:
1. Improvement of the ChNPP Decommissioning Visualization Centre (CDVC) capabilities as a tool of planning, training and visualization.
2. ChNPP staff training for use of state-of-the-art technologies during the ChNPP decommissioning.
3. Further enhancement and extension of ChNPP Planner software functionality.

At the end of 2020, ChNPP received the software and hardware for the CDVC under this project.

Nearest Events

November 5, 1986 Unit 2 was commissioned after the accident

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