Radiation protection, Safety and Monitoring Systems

"SO Temporary  Emergency Preparedness Plan" (General contractor - NUTECO) has been developed within SIP and approved by regulatory body. Radiating Protection Program (Contractor – Slavutich Laboratory of International Researches and Technologies (SLIRT)) has been developed and approved regulatory body.


Works on Shelter object physical protection system upgrading come to the end that will allow to improve nuclear materials and radioactive waste physical protection. This system is really necessary as during excavation works fuel element  parts thrown out from the reactor during the accident of 1986 have been found last years. Now the monitoring system of SO access and physical protection is in test operation.

Project on creation of the integrated automated monitoring system (IAMS) comes to the end. The system will allow to monitor in real time nuclear and radiation safety and status of the main building constructions and seismic activity in this area. This system will allow not only improve Shelter object monitoring, but also to use the obtained data for other projects implementation. The Contractor - "ANSALDO" (Italy).

Works under the contract «SO Fire Protection System» are completed. Performance of these works has ensured to improve significantly SO fire safety, has reduced risk of fires occurrence, and in case of fire occurrence – to reduce considerably influence on the personnel, population and environment. The Contractor – JSC "Atomstroyexport", russia.

Works on Shelter object Dust Suppression System upgrading with use of dust suppressive mixtures with the higher content of the dry residue that has allowed to create a proof coating preventing dust generation. The contractor – JSC "Uzhteploenergomontazh" (UTEM). Performance of these works has allowed increase considerably the surface of dust suppressive coating application and to reduce radioactive dust release. Based on the results of the upgraded dust suppression system test operation, during which the number of tests were carried out, optimum components of mixture, regulations for coating were identified, system defects were eliminated, favorable conditions for stabilization works were created, reports on the system safety and effectiveness were developed. The system is successfully commissioned.

Consortium, consisting of LLC "Information business systems" (IBS) (russia) and the Chornobyl Centre on Nuclear Safety Problems, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology (Ukraine) performed work on Shelter object integrated database (SOIDB) creation, which is the big information resource allowing operation of electronic archive, interface with the integrated automated monitoring system, support planning and safe works performance.

Nearest Events

November 5, 1986 Unit 2 was commissioned after the accident

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