SIP Documents

Declaration on the ecological consequences of the planned activity

Statement of intent of the construction of the New Safe Confinement above the Object 'Shelter' of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Statement on ecological consequences of the planned activities under Project “Reconstruction of ChNPP Stage II (Power Units 3,4) Main Building with Reinforcement and Sealing of structures, which perform NSC enclosing perimeter functions”



Clarifications to classification of systems, structures and components (SSC) of the New Safe Confinement Commissioning Stage-1 depending on their impact on nuclear and radiation safety

Technical requirements clarification for NSC auxiliary systems and facilities

Technical decision on OS Physical Protection System regarding interface with future foundations of NSC

Structure and requirements to contents of the NSC CS-1 concept design safety document

Explanations to submission the information on safety in design packages at early stages of SC-1 NSC designing

Explanation of structure and contents of environmental impact assessment for new safe confinement

Explanation of structure and contents of safety analysis report on new safe confinement

Explanation for the new safe confinement sanitary compliance report structure and contents

Conceptual technical decision on liquid RAW management during Shelter Object transformation into an ecologically safe system

Nearest Events

March 28, 1984 – Chornobyl NPP 4th Unit was put into design power 1 000 MW
March 29, 2000 – Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.589 “On pre-scheduled shutdown of Power Unit No.3 and final shutdown of Chornobyl NPP”

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