Top management of SSE “Chornobyl NPP”:

Acting Director General of SSE “Chornobyl NPP” — Serhii MARTYNOV 

Was born in 1960.

Started to work at Chornobyl NPP in November 1987 — as Operator of Reactor Compartment in Reactor Shop — after graduation from Kirov Tomsk Polytechnic Institute.

Throughout the whole employment period at ChNPP held the following positions:
• I Category Engineer, Reactor Shop (1990-1993);
• II Category Economist for contractual and claim works, Commercial Department (1998-1999);
• Head of ChNPP Facilities Operation Support Administration (2005-2011);
• Head of State Enterprise “ChNPP Facilities Operation Support Administration” (2011-2013);
• Deputy Director (for Production and Health&Safety), and soon — Deputy Director (for Production of “ChNPP Facilities Operation Support Administration”) (2013-2019);
• Executive Director of SSE “Chornobyl NPP” (2019-2023).

From 2nd June 2021 — Acting Director General of SSE «Chornobyl NPP».


Technical Director (-Chief Engineer) of SSE “Chornobyl NPP” — Oleksandr TITARCHUK

Was born in 1972.

Graduated from Vinnytsia State Technical University, specialty – Electrical Engineer.

Started working at Chornobyl NPP from 1993. Held the following positions:
• III degree Repairman of Equipment, Reactor Shop (1993);
• 6th group Operator of Reactor Compartment, Reactor Shop (1993-2002);
• II category Operation Engineer, Reactor Shop (2002-2003);
• I category Operation Engineer, Main Building and External Facilities Operation Shop (2003-2006);
•  Leading Engineer for System Operation and Maintenance, Main Building and External Facilities Operation Shop (2006-2012);
• Deputy Head (for Decommissioning) of Main Building and External Facilities Operation Shop (2012-2014);
• Head of Main Building and External Facilities Operation Shop (2014-2018);
• Head of Decommissioning Shop (2018-2020);
• Deputy Technical Director (for Operation) (2020-2022).

From 3rd December 2022 — Technical Director (-Chief Engineer) of SSE «Chornobyl NPP».


Complete structure of the enterprise can be downloaded here.


Dynamics of personnel quantity change:

*Increase in the staff number in 2019 is due to the State Enterprise "Chornobyl NPP Facilities Support Department" takeover to SSE ChNPP.

Скринька довіри ДСП «Чорнобильська АЕС» для повідомлення особами про факти порушення Антикорупційної програми, вчинення корупційних або пов’язаних з корупцією правопорушень:

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або зателефонувати на телефон довiри

+380 4593 4-42-79

Також повідомити про вчинення корупційних правопорушень та інших неправомірних дій можливо на сайті "Національного агентства з питань запобігання корупції" за наступним посиланням:

Повідомити про корупцію

After the accident the first two Power Units remained in normal operable state and were shutdown on April 27, 1986. The third Power Unit, technically connected with the fourth one, was shutdown an hour and a half later after the accident.

The issues on re-operation of three Chornobyl NPP Units and carrying out of the required for it activities were among the most important within a plan for the accident consequence elimination. They were settled simultaneously with the activities on preserving the fourth Power Unit.

The recovery work was started with decontamination of the main and auxiliary buildings and structures of Power Units and equipment and personnel workplaces, located in them, as well as adjacent territories. The most contaminated were specific horizontal sections of surfaces of the Turbine Hall [up to 106 β-part./(cm2 min)], as it was contaminated through the destroyed roof of the 4th Power Unit. As of May 20, 1986, dose rate of γ-radiation within the contaminated premises of the first and second Power Units was 10-100 mR/h, the Turbine Hall – 20-600 mR/h.

At first two Power Units the decontamination activities were completed at the beginning of third quarter of 1986. The decontamination activities at the third Power Unit resulted in further improvement of radiation situation at the acting Power Units. As a result of performing a part of the planned activities by the end of July 1987 the dose rate at 3rd Power Unit’s Turbine Hall was drastically reduced and amounted to 7-50 mR/h. Following the completion of Shelter Object construction and a set of works on decontamination of Plant territory the radiation situation at the 1st and 2nd Power Units was finally stabilized and was brought to the fixed standards.

Technical and organizational measures on improving safety of operation of acting NPPs with RBMK reactors were developed based on the analysis of reasons of occurrence and development of the accident at the ChNPP 4th Power Unit. The objective of the safety improvement measures was first of all the reduction of steam void reactivity effect and enhancement of emergency protection response speed.

At the 3rd Power Unit, in contrast to the 1st and 2nd Power Units, a great scope of recovery work was performed. The equipment, pipelines, ventilation ducts and cable paths within the premises of 3rd Power Unit with high levels of γ-background were dismantled to reduce the radiation background. A protection and separation wall within Unit 3 and Unit 4 was concreted and clad in lead to reduce the radiation background.  Additional protection walls were erected at other Unit's sections.

The Power Units were ready for resumption of operation:
October 1, 1986 — post-accident commissioning of 1st Power Unit.
November 5, 1986 — post-accident commissioning of 2nd Power Unit.
December 4, 1987 — post-accident commissioning of 3rd Power Unit.

In early 1988, after construction of protective barriers, personnel of the Chornobyl NPP were transferred to a non-rotation based work.

The main objectives of work performance of the 2nd stage at Chornobyl NPP were:
1. Prevention of radionuclide spreading from radioactive contamination area, re-disposal of solid RAW.
2. Creation of conditions within contamination area for radiation-safe vital activity of population.
3. Preparation of the Exclusion Zone and resettled territories of strict control zone to the return to national economy.
4. Preparation for the Chornobyl NPP decommissioning.

Chornobyl NPP officially stopped generation of electricity on 15th of December, 2000. At 13:17, by the order of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, Power Unit No.3 reactor was shut down forever with a turn of the key.

The decision on the pre-schedule shutdown of Unit 1 was made on November 30, 1996, Unit 2 – on March 15, 1999. The decision on the pre-schedule shutdown of Unit 3 and final shutdown of ChNPP was made by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on March 29, 2000.

Such actions were caused by the commitments of Ukraine to the world community stipulated in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Ukraine and Governments of the G7 countries and the Commission of the European Community on the Chornobyl NPP Closure. The Memorandum was signed on December 25, 1995.

“...To take all appropriate measures for the ChNPP decommissioning as soon as reasonably practicable”, — the Memorandum said.

After the accident, from 1986 till 2000, the Chornobyl NPP generated 158.6 billion kW- hours of electric energy. Before the accident, from 1977 till 1986, the Plant generated 150.2 billion kW- hours.

At the time when the ChNPP was shutdown the ChNPP had 9000 employees. At the present time the quantity of employees is less than 2400 persons.

The accident at Chornobyl NPP Unit 4 has occurred on April 26, 1986, during design testing of one of the safety systems.

This safety system stipulated the use of residual rotation energy from turbine generators being shut down to generate electric power under the conditions of two simultaneous emergency situations.

Situation 1 – complete loss of NPP power supply, particularly main circulation pumps and emergency core cooling system pumps.
Situation 2 – ultimate design-basis accident which is considered in the design as a break of the large-diameter pipeline of core circulation circuit.

The design anticipated that if external power supply is lost, the electric power being generated by the turbine generators due to residual rotation to be supplied to start up the pumps included into the emergency core cooling system. This would ensure dependable cooling of the core.

Except for Chornobyl NPP, such design testing has not been performed at any NPP with RBMK-1000 reactors since commissioning.

The testing at Unit 4 was scheduled for April 25, 1986, in the afternoon at reactor thermal output of 700 MW following which it was planned to shut down the reactor for scheduled maintenance. Therefore, the testing had to be carried out under reduced power mode characterized by increased, relating to nominal, loss of coolant through the reactor, minor subcooling of coolants to the boiling point at core inlet and minimum void fraction. These factors had the direct impact on the accident scale.

At 01:23:04, the testing has been started, and four main circulation pumps started operation from residual rotation of turbine generator by virtue whereof water consumption began decreasing and steam void fraction increasing.

At 01:23:43, a rapid increase of power began following which the explosions occurred. The reactor was destroyed, and huge volumes of radioactive substances came out into the atmosphere from its rupture. A fire has started at Unit 4.

Elimination of the accident has been initiated that night at once.

During several hours following Unit 4 destruction, the firemen and personnel of ChNPP succeeded to suppress numerous fires that prevented fire spread to other Power Units. Right away after the accident, firstly Unit 3 was stopped located in common building with Unit 4, and then Units 1 and 2 were shut down.

On April 27, backfilling with absorbers started from the helicopters to the Unit 4 rupture. The downthrown materials for almost 2 weeks covered the central hall with a layer ranging from 1 to 15 meters, hereby isolating the reactor from the environment.

Simultaneously, the actions were carried out relating to water removal from a pressure-suppression pool, cooling of the core, and liquid nitrogen supply to it. The water from the pressure-suppression pool was removed on May 6. Till that time, the experts concluded that there is no potential for self-sustained chain reaction within destroyed reactor, and radioactive release into the atmosphere decreased several thousand times.

On April 27, Prypiat town located 3 km from ChNPP was evacuated completely. On May 2, it was decided to evacuate habitants from 30-km area of ChNPP and other settlements exposed to radioactive contamination. Later, up to the end of 1986, about 116,000 people had been evacuated from 188 settlements (including Prypiat).

At once after the accident, an issue came up regarding long-term preservation of Unit 4 by means of construction of a structure limiting the radioactive release and ionizing radiation outside the destroyed Power Unit.

On May 29, 1986, it was decided to construct a facility called the Shelter of ChNPP Unit 4 for burial of ChNPP Unit 4 and related structures.

The building structures of the Shelter are an integration of old structures of the destroyed Unit 4 and new ones constructed after the accident. The basis of physical barriers is the external protective structures assembled after the accident, namely Cascade Wall, Buttress Walls, a cover over reactor unit, Deaerator Stack, and Turbine Hall. Relatively undamaged structures of Unit 4 constitute a support contour for bearing elements of a cover over Reactor Hall and Deaerator Stack.

Due to such combination, a unique structure was created, building structures of which perform critically important function of physical barrier on the way of radioactive release and ionizing radiation into the environment.

About 90,000 people were involved in the construction of the Shelter facility. It was constructed in record-breaking short time – 206 days.

Construction of the Shelter Object under extremely complicated radiation condition required the development and implementation of such organizational and technological decisions that would maximally ensure radiation protection of the builders.

The main actions for radiation protection of the personnel consisted in radiation investigation of work performance areas, in using different shielding tools and applying remotely controlled techniques of work performance under the most radioactively hazardous conditions.

An assembly technique using enlarged structures mounted within “clean” area and that can be assembled remotely was the most efficient one. The structures were designed having the supporting and connecting assemblies not requiring operations associated with people presence within mounting area.

During construction of the Shelter Object, about 345,000 cubic meters of concrete were placed, and 7,000 tons of steel structures were assembled. Except building and assembling operations, a significant scope of work were performed relating to creation of necessary systems for safe operation of the Shelter Object (ventilation, power supply, fire-extinguishing system, control systems, etc.).

On November 30, 1986, an Act of the State Commission on the Shelter Object Maintenance Acceptance was signed.

However, the Shelter Object facility was not created in accordance with rules and standards of designing, construction, commissioning and operation. Its building structures do not correspond to the requirements of safety-related regulatory-technical documents in terms of structural integrity and reliability and have an indefinite period of operation. All these require a continuous survey of safety-related structure condition of the Shelter Object and interference in case of a threat of unsafe deviation of their condition from the stable one. Therefore, right away after completion of the Shelter Object, the investigations of its building structure condition were initiated and are being continued and the urgent measures on its reinforcement are being implemented.

In course of time, in 1990’s, a strategy of Shelter transformation into environmentally safe system was developed and is under implementation.

Chornobyl NPP visit is carried out according to the Order of Visiting the Exclusion Zone and the Unconditional (Compulsory) Evacuation Zone by Ukrainian Citizens, International Delegations and Foreigners approved by the Decree No.1157 of the Ministry of Emergencies dated November 2, 2011:

For visiting it is required to send written request addressed to the Head of State Agency of Ukraine for Exclusion Zone Management with an application on visit arrangement.

The request should contain the following data:
- Full name, citizenship and passport details;
- Number of visitors indicating full names, citizenship and passport details;
- Visit purpose;
- Visit period (time and date of arrival and departure);
- Object/facility (route) scheduled for visiting;
- Nature and scope of information, which visitor is willing to receive;
- Persons, with which meetings are planned (if necessary).
And also it is required to indicate contact phones of a person, who is arranging the visit.

The request is prepared having full replies to all questions without acronyms and abbreviations.

In written request for visiting, the information about unavailability of medical contraindications to visit this zone should be additionally provided.

Duration of visiting the Exclusion Zone and the Unconditional (Compulsory) Evacuation Zone by Ukrainian citizens, foreigners and persons without citizenship should not exceed 5 days.

A filled application form for dosimetry control at ChNPP should be attached to your written request to visit ChNPP.

The letter should be send to the Agency facsimile to +380 4593 5-14-28, or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  not later than prior to 10 working days of supposed visit date.

Upon the results of written request review, an agenda will be prepared and agreed being a ground for entering the Exclusion Zone and Chornobyl NPP site, or motivated rejection to visit.

The grounds for rejection to visit the Exclusion Zone and the Unconditional (Compulsory) Evacuation Zone are:
- Declared persons are under 18-year old;
- Lack of any data mentioned above in the written request;
- Invalid data mentioned in the request;
- Unfavorable weather condition occurrence;
- Threat for occurring emergency or fire during fire season;
- Performance of repair, scientific-research, technological and other works, which make unauthorized persons impossible to stay within the Exclusion Zone and the Unconditional (Compulsory) Evacuation Zone;
- In case of receiving an information regarding person’s complicity to terrorist activities from law-enforcement authorities.

For additional information please call:

visiting the exclusion zone and accommodation in Chornobyl
+38 (04593) 5-24-61

Chornobyl NPP visiting
+38 (04593) 4-34-24

accommodation in Slavutich
+38 (04579) 2-10-11

Відвідання Чорнобильської АЕС здійснюється згідно Порядку відвідування громадянами України, іноземними делегаціями та іноземцями зони відчуження і зони безумовного (обов'язкового) відселення, затвердженого наказом МНС України за № 1157 від 02.11.2011:

Для відвідування необхідно направити письмовий запит на ім'я голови Державного агентства України з управління зоною відчуження з проханням про організацію візиту. 
У запиті необхідно вказати наступні дані: 
- прізвище, ім'я,  по батькові (за наявності),  громадянство та
дані паспортного документа;
- мета відвідування;
- термін відвідування (час та дата в'їзду і виїзду);
- об'єкт (маршрут), який плануються для відвідування;
- характер та обсяг інформації, яку бажає отримати відвідувач;
- особи, з якими плануються зустрічі (у разі необхідності).
А також вказати контактні телефони особи, що займається організацією візиту.  Запит оформляється з вичерпними відповідями на всі  запитання без скорочень і абревіатур.
У письмовому  запиті  на відвідування  додатково  вказується 
інформація  щодо  відсутності  в  осіб  медичних  протипоказань до перебування у зазначеній зоні.
Строк відвідування громадянами України, іноземцями та особами без громадянства території  зони  відчуження  і  зони  безумовного (обов'язкового) відселення не може перевищувати 5 днів.

До письмового запиту на відвідування додається заповнена Заявочна форма по дозиметричному контролю на ЧАЕС.

Лист необхідно відправити на факс Агентства  (04593) 5-14-28 або на електронну пошту This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. не пізніше, ніж за 10 робочих днів до передбачуваної дати візиту. 

За результатами розгляду письмового запиту буде підготовлена і узгоджена програма, що є підставою для в'їзду до зони відчуження і на територію Чорнобильської АЕС або мотивована відмова.

Підставами для  відмови у відвідуванні зони відчуження і зони безумовного   (обов'язкового) відселення громадянам   України, іноземцям та особам без громадянства є:
- недосягнення зазначеними особами вісімнадцятирічного віку;
- незазначення у  письмовому  запиті  особою даних,  визначених вище;
- зазначення у запиті недостовірних відомостей;
- настання несприятливих погодних умов;
- загроза виникнення надзвичайної   ситуації   або  пожежі  у
пожежонебезпечний період;
- виконання ремонтних (науково-дослідних,  технологічних) та інших робіт,  які унеможливлюють  перебування  сторонніх осіб на території зони відчуження  і  зони  безумовного  (обов'язкового) відселення;
- у разі   отримання   від  правоохоронних  органів  інформації
стосовно причетності особи до терористичної діяльності.


з питань відвідування зони відчуження та поселення в м. Чорнобиль
+38 (04593) 5-24-61

з питань відвідування Чорнобильської АЕС
+38 (04593) 4-34-24

з питань поселення в м. Славутич
+38 (04579) 2-10-11

Nearest Events

November 5, 1986 Unit 2 was commissioned after the accident

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