September 26, 2013

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Assembling of metal structures of the Arch:

Under design 11516 tons (eastern part of the Arch), performed 10915,74 tons (94,79%)

Arrangement of foundations in the Arch’s serviced area (northern slip):

Concrete: under design - 5674,2 m3, placed - 2881,0 m3 (50,77%); 
Reinforcing steel: under design - 1198,678 tons, manufactured - 1005,848 tons (83,91%)

Arrangement of foundations in the Arch’s serviced area (southern slip):
Concrete: under design 1207,7 m3, placed 329,0 m3 (27,24%); 
Pile amount: under design - 216, placed till design mark - 32 (14,81%)