ChNPP Shutdown

Ukraine, showing good will and confirming the intention, stated in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Ukraine and G7 countries Governments and Commission of the European Union, dated December 25, 1995, made the decision on ahead of schedule Chornobyl NPP decommissioning. The decision on a final shutdown of the Unit 1 was made on November 30, 1996, Unit 2 - on March 15, 1999.

On December 11, 1998 the Law of Ukraine «On the general principles of Chornobyl NPP further operation and decommissioning and transformation of the destroyed fourth Unit of this NPP into ecologically safe system» was adopted.

On March 29 2000 the Resolution № 598 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Unit 3 ahead of schedule shutdown and Chornobyl NPP final closure" was adopted. On June 5, 2000 during US President B.Klinton visit in Ukraine President of Ukraine L.D.Kuchma for the first time appointed exact date of Unit 3 final shutdown - December 15, 2000.

Interdepartmental (Governmental) Commission on complex solution of Chornobyl NPP problems was established by the Decree of President of Ukraine in April, 2000. Acceptance of the Decision «On measures on social protection of Chornobyl NPP employers and Slavutich town inhabitants in connection with Plant shutdown» in the end of November of the same year defined a complex of measures on social consequences mitigation.

Parliamentary Hearings connected to ChNPP closure was held on December 5 with foreign representatives participation.

On the eve of shutdown, working visit of the President of Ukraine L.D.Kuchma at Chornobyl NPP took place on December 14, 2000. During a meeting with the Plant’s personnel the President has assured, that any worker do not remain without social protection.

On December 15, 2000 at 1.17 p.m. during a tele-bridge Chornobyl NPP- the National Palace "Ukraine" translation by the order of the President of Ukraine Chornobyl NPP Unit’s 3 reactor was forever shutdown by turn of a emergency protection key (EP-5). The Plant ceased electric power generation.



Already in 1994 the joint American - Ukrainian assessment of Chornobyl NPP replacement possibility by other sources of the electric power was made. Also within the framework of this assessment the amount of expenses for decommissioning was identified in $¬¬¬¬464 million for 15 years.

Based on the cost estimation carried out within the framework of TACIS Program for works on decommissioning and new facilities construction without which Chornobyl NPP shutdown is impossible, cost of works on ChNPP decommissioning (without expenses for shutdown Units maintenance) has been evaluated in 541 millions ECU for 15 years. For the social protection issues solution - $¬¬¬¬505 million for 6 years.
During all stages of Plant decommissioning safety should be ensured according to existing in nuclear engineering norms and rules. The safety includes performance of a complex of works on Units economic maintenance and on their decommissioning. For safe Units decommissioning ensuring it is necessary to realize four international projects:
- Industrial Heating Plant construction.
- Liquid Radioactive Wastes Treatment Plant construction "on turn-key basis".
- Interim Storage Facility -2 construction "on turn-key basis".
- Industrial Complex on Solid Radioactive Wastes Management construction.

Nearest Events

November 5, 1986 Unit 2 was commissioned after the accident
November 17, 2001 ChNPP was assigned as the operating organization (operator) of Chornobyl NPP’s nuclear installations

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